Digital Practice

Digital Practice 數碼科技與實務研究小組

Cluster Leaders
Dr. Steve Fong, Department of Social Work
Dr. Priscilla Chung, Department of Social Work

The fast pace and breadth of the development of digital technologies have posed challenges in how health care professionals, educators, and social workers deliver their services. The helping profession, who has always relied on person-to-person human interaction and communication, has to learn to navigate in this new digital era. This research cluster will explore the effects of digitalization of practices on service providers and service receivers. Will new technologies control the way humans act and interact? Will the development of humanoids to deliver services replace helping professionals?  How can technology enhance and advance professional practices? What are the implications for human services education and training? How is digital practice compared with conventional face-to-face mode of service delivery in terms of relationships and rapport building and service effectiveness?