1. Exploring and Understanding Psychological Factors Related to Family Resilience in the Pandemic Period (PIs: Prof Catherine Tang & Ms Helen Kwok, Hong Kong Single Parents Association, HK$300,000)
2. Understanding How Family Caregivers of Children with Special needs Adjust to COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal and Multi-country Surveys (PI: Prof Catherine Tang & Ms Helen Kwok, Research Matching Grant Scheme, HK$120,000)
3. An Interdisciplinary Evidence-based Approach in Understanding Resilience Functioning to Prevent Caregiver Burden and Burnout in Families with Special Needs Children (PI: Prof Catherine Tang, Wisdom Trade (HK) Limited, HK$1,000,000)
4. A Multi-Country Cross-sectional Study Exploring Multilevel Factors of Resilience (PIs: Prof Catherine Tang & Dr Jason Chow, Research Matching Grant Scheme, HK$200,000).
5. Human Resilience, Life Adversity, and Adaptation to Life Course Transitions from Early Adulthood to Late Middle Adulthood (PI: Prof Catherine Tang, IDS(C), HK$5,359,056)
6. Childlessness in Modern Chinese Societies: Identifying individual-social-economiccultural determinants, consequences, and implications of life time childlessness (PI: Prof Catherine Tang, RGC Research Matching Grant Scheme $300,000)
7. Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixedmethod research informing service and policy development (PI: Dr Bobo Lau, IDS(C), HK$4,388,777)
8. Assessing the age-related digital divide of mobile devices with technology obsolescence, mobile device proficiency and smartphone app usage (PI: Dr Bobo Lau, URG, HK$39,909)
9. An Effectiveness Study of an Expressive Arts Programme for Elderly with Mild Dementia (PI: Dr Ruth Zhou, Comfort Elderly Home funding plus matching grant, HK$74,670)
10. Gender Role Portrayal of Parents in Hong Kong Children's Literature: Egalitarian or Stereotyping? (PI: Dr Kacey Liu, URG, HK$39,028.5)
11. Desperate or self-sufficient? An investigation of the emotional well-being of older adults when their primary caretakers are not around in Hong Kong (PI: Dr Flora Lau & Dr Gigi Lam, Summer Internship Scheme of CIEBPR, HK$7,040)
12. The Imagination and Literary Practice of a “Third World” Hong Kong: The Introduction and Appropriation of the Latin American Literature in the 1970s Hong Kong (PI: Dr Ka Ki Wong, FDS, HK$624,320)
13. The Academicizing of Shihua in late Ming Period (PI: Dr Hui Kin Yip, URG, HK$40,000)
14. The Mechanism of Textual Production and the Poetic Significance of the Woodblock Prints of Selection of Tang Poetry in the Edo Period (PI: Dr Kin Yip Hui, FDS, HK$549,570)
15. The interactions of L1 and L2 tonal systems in Mandarin-Cantonese late bilinguals (PI: Dr Yike Yang, FDS, HK$835,558)
16. Constructing a Narrative Corpus of Mandarin-speaking Immigrants in Hong Kong (PI: Dr Yike Yang, URG, HK$ 39,831.25)