Adjustment to Life Adversities

Adjustment to Life Adversities 逆境與適應研究小組

Cluster Leaders:
Dr Ruth Zhou, Department of Counselling & Psychology
Professor Catherine Tang, Distinguished Professor of Psychology

This research cluster aims at investigating how people cope with different types of adversities, including physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and financial adversity. The current research focuses on two main themes. The first theme is to explore resilience and posttraumatic growth of people in facing COVID-19. The research team has been collecting both quantitative and qualitative data from college students and frontline professionals from mainland China and the US to compare the factors affecting their posttraumatic growth. The second theme focuses on understanding factors relating to resilient functioning in family caregivers of special needs children. Interdisciplinary evidence-based empowering interventions (including narrative group and expressive arts group interventions) for family caregivers of special needs children will be developed and tested to reduce their experiences of caregiver burden and burnout.