Project Chairman’s Message
Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Interdisciplinary research has become increasingly important as it bridges disciplines to integrate and synthesize ideas and methods to solve complex problems that require understanding of diverse areas. Interdisciplinary collaboration broadens the horizons of research, making it possible to examine common areas of interest from multiple perspectives and to validate findings across disciplines. The resulting contribution to the knowledge base will be substantial.
In 2014, we applied the government’s Institutional Development Scheme (IDS) funding to commence a strategic plan that nurtures the interdisciplinary research development in HKSYU. Our goal is to showcase our diverse range of interdisciplinary research interests and to increase the potential for research which informs good practice in teaching and learning. To construct an interdisciplinary research platform at HKSYU, three areas common to all disciplines have been identified: Brain-Based Teaching and Learning, Decision-Making, and Negotiation and Persuasion.
This interdisciplinary research platform is an amalgamation of existing resources, intellectual input from world-renowned scholars and accomplished researchers, the acquisition of facilities and equipment and administrative input. The platform not only builds up communications between departments at the University, but also brings more bright minds to the university where distinguished scholars and researchers are invited to deliver public lectures and workshops, with senior academics from local institutions invited to conduct tutorials to consolidate learning and further stimulate opportunities for interdisciplinary research.
We envision that the building of an interdisciplinary research platform will attract interdisciplinary collaboration in research, and once instigated, will be self-sustaining due to the availability of more resources, the increased intellectual stimulation and the further opportunities for research and publication. We are also certain that such a platform will assuredly and significantly inform teaching and learning.
All in all, the research platform will propel research at the University to a higher level of excellence, and assist HKSYU in becoming a genuinely research-active institution.
We invite you to make use of this online platform to become acquainted with our work and HKSYU.
Happy Surfing!
Prof. Catherine Sun
Academic Vice President
Hong Kong Shue Yan University