Conference Papers/ Presentation
1. Lam, G. (2021). “Conundrum faced by Elders in Residential Care Services in Hong Kong,” Paper presented (online) at the 5th Asian Population Association Conference, held by Asian Population Association, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 3-5, 2021.
2. Lam, G. (2022). “Do community care services play a complementary role to residential care services for the elderly in Hong Kong?” Paper presented (online) at the Hong Kong Sociological Association 22nd Annual Meeting, held by Hong Kong Sociological Association, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, January 8, 2022.
3. Lam, G. (2022). “The evaluation of community care services in Hong Kong” Paper presented (online) at the CPCE Health Conference 2022 “Long-term Care: Financing and Service Delivery in Asia-Pacific”, held by Centre for Ageing and Healthcare Management Research, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, January 10, 2022.
4. Zhou, DH. (2021, March) Connecting Hong Kong Local Students with Mainland Chinese Students Through Experiential Learning of Expressive Arts Groups. In Yuan, Y. M. C., Tsui, C. P. , Zhou, D. H. Symposium session: ‘Geopolitics and inclusive higher education policy: Lessons from campus conflicts in 2019’ In CESHK 2021 Online Conference: Geopolitics of Knowledge March 12-13th, 2021 organized by Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong.
5. Zhou, DHR. (2021, June). Case Studies of Narrative Vocational Counselling service to High Functioning Youth with Psychosis. Promoting One Health in a Challenging Era Virtual Conference, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
6. Zhou, DHR., Chui, Y. H. , Chiu, Y. L. , Choi, Y. Y. , Lau, B. S.Y. , Lau, K. S. , Poon, Y. C. M., Chu, M., Choi, W. S. , Lam, W. Y. (2021, December ). On Vocation and Recovery for Youth with Mental Health Issues in Hong Kong. HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021. Connectivity, Inclusivity and Sustainability: Generating changes and creating impacts (9th-11th, Dec. 2021). Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.