Networking Games and Applications

Event Type: Lecture

Event Theme: Evidence-based Practice

Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Mazalov (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelia Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences)


Date: 31 January 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Venue: RLB303, Research Complex, HKSYU

Language: English


1) Free Admission
2) We recommend registration in advance for seat-reservation and news update.


The recent years have been remarkable for a technological breakthrough in the analysis
of the virtual information world. In terms of game theory, all participants of the Inter-
net and mobile communication networks are interacting players who receive and transmit
information by appropriate data channels. Each player pursues individual interests, ac-
quiring some information or complicating this process. For example, in routing games the
players choose data channels, which have limited capacity. As a result, jamming occurs in
networks, causing interesting e ects and even paradoxes such as the well-known Braess's
paradox. The players need high-capacity channels, and the channel distribution problem
arises naturally in the case of numerous players. Game-theoretic methods are of assistance

The global control of the Internet turns out to be impossible. One may speak about
distributed control of the network where each user manages his trac to maximize his
utility or the amount of information or to minimize delays. In this context, we consider a
series of problems such as optimal routing, transportation games, behavioral equilibrium,
analysis of social networks, comparison of sel sh and cooperative behavior (Price of anar-
chy) and the problems of appropriate management. These problems can be solved using
noncooperative game theory methods.

The theme of the course is devoted to discussion of new results in this direction, mostly,
game-theoretic methods in networks.

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