Challenges and Promises for Translating Neuro-computational Tools into Clinical Practice

Posted by Institutional Development Scheme for HKSYU

Event Type: Research Workshop

Event Theme: Decision Making

Speaker: Dr. Woo-young Ahn (Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ohio State University)

Date: 16 June 2016 (Thursday)

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Venue: Room 103, Library Complex, HKSYU

Language: English


1) Free Admission
2) We recommend registration in advance for seat-reservation and news update.


Computational modeling and associated methods have greatly advanced our understanding of cognition and neurobiology underlying complex behaviors and psychiatric conditions. Yet, no computational methods have been successfully translated into clinical settings. I discuss three major methodological and practical challenges (A. precise characterization of latent neurocognitive processes, B. developing optimal assays (e.g., decision-making tasks), C. developing large-scale longitudinal studies and generating predictions from multimodal data) and potential promises and tools that have been developed in various fields including mathematical psychology, computational neuroscience, computer science, and statistics. I conclude by highlighting a strong need to communicate and collaborate across multiple disciplines.

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