Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Proposal Award 2023-2024
傑出跨學科研究計劃獎 2023-2024
Event type: Competition
- To foster an atmosphere of interdisciplinary research among undergraduate and postgraduate students by rewarding innovative, feasible and interesting research ideas.
- Both full-time and part-time undergraduate and postgraduate students of HKSYU.
- The proposal must be individual work and submitted by one student only.
- Students are welcome to consult a member of the full-time teaching staff as their proposal mentor, but it is not required for proposal submission
- When a proposal is shortlisted, the student must be supported by a mentor
- Up to two undergraduate and two postgraduate cash prizes of $5,000HKD each with a certificate of excellence.
- If the awardees would like to carry out the research project, on top of the above-mentioned cash prize, each team will be entitled to $5,000HKD-worth of student helper support under the CIEBPR.
- Awardee will be given a certificate of participation.
- The full-time teaching staff (Lecturer grade or above) who mentors the awarded project will be rewarded $5,000HKD-worth of research support and a certificate of excellence.
Requirements and procedures:
- The awarded proposals should demonstrate: (a) interdisciplinary synergy, (b) innovativeness, (c) feasibility to be carried out in a reasonable amount of time, money and manpower, (d) good organisation and readability. Please see: the rubrics.
- Each proposal is required to fill in an online form (see the link below). The online form will ask for (a) information about the project investigator, (b) basic information about the proposal (e.g, title, disciplines, estimated time, manpower and financial resources needed), (c) the proposal described with a 500-word structured abstract, (d) a Veriguide report of the proposal with the percentage of similarity included, and (e) details of the teaching staff who mentors the project (if any)
- The application may be completed in English or Chinese.
- The word count for a structured abstract is 500 for both English and Chinese entries, excluding references. You may also attach up to 2 figures and/or tables (less than 10MB) with captions indicated on the proposal. English references should be in either APA 7th or MLA, and Chinese references should conformed with the Academia Sinica (for reference, please see: https://www.ith.sinica.edu.tw/quarterly.php?l=c&no=2).
- Candidates need to declare that the proposal (a) has never been carried out as any research projects or assignments, (b) has never been submitted as any assignments or applications at any institutions or contests, and (c) is not currently considered as an assignments or applications at any institutions or contests. Assignments include any assignments of coursework- or research-courses (e.g., final year project, thesis).
- Shortlisted proposals will be invited for a 1,200 full proposal and a 30-minute presentation in the language of your proposal on 31st March 2023 (Time and venue TBC).
- Candidate will solely own the idea of the proposal as well as the data and findings as a result of the proposal.
Due dates:
- Please direct your inquiry to Mr Henry Ng of the CIEBPR (ciebpr@hksyu.edu)