Analysis of Qualitative Evidences: An Introduction to Thematic Analysis

Event Type: Conference Workshop

Event Theme: Evidence-based Practice

Speaker: Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen (Associate Professor & Acting Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Date: 24 Oct 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 3:00pm - 5:30pm

Venue: RLG402, Research Complex, HKSYU

Language: English



1) Refreshment will be provided. 
2) Free Admission.
3) Registration is not compulsory but recommended for seat-reservation and news update.


This hands-on workshop will introduce a commonly adopted qualitative evidence analysis method, namely, Thematic Analysis (TA).  The first 30 minutes will be a brief introduction of what TA is and key processed involved the analysis. In the next 45 minutes, the participants will work in groups to analyze a set of mock data and provide their interpretations of the results.  The final 15 minutes will be a consolidation of what the participants have learned from the workshop.


About the Presenter

Victor Chen received his PhD in Computers in Education at the University of Oregon.  He has worked in universities in the US, Singapore, Taiwan and New Zealand.  His research interests include New Media and Learning, Online Learning and research methodologies.  He has been teaching doctoral level course on Literature review methods and have over the past years developing a grounded approach to conducting literature review. He is currently Acting Head of the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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