Faculty Focus – a Research Experience Sharing Talk

Event Type: Tutorial

Event Theme: Evidence-based Practice

Speaker: Prof. Yuet-Wah Cheung, PhD, MH, JP (Academic Head, Department of Sociology, HKSYU)

Date: 13 June 2017 (Tuesday)

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue: RHB102, Research Complex, HKSYU

Language: Cantonese, supplemented by English


1) Free Admission
2) We recommend registration in advance for seat-reservation and news update.


Prof. Cheung will share his experience of working on various research projects regarding youth and drug problems in Hong Kong. He will also discuss about how evidence-based approach can be adopted in interdisciplinary research and application. Prof. Cheung is currently the Distinguished Professor and Academic Head of Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Before his retirement from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in August 2016, he had been the Professor and Chairman of Department of Sociology there. He is a member of the editorial board of Substance Use and Misuse and International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. In community service, he is a member of ACAN (Action Committee Against Narcotics), Convenor of Research Advisory Group of Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, and Chairman of the Research Committee of SARDA (Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers). 

Contact Information

Should you have any enquiries, Please feel free to contact: cebp@hksyu.edu