Learning Based on Scientific Principles

Posted by Institutional Development Scheme for HKSYU

Event Type: Research Workshop

Event Theme: Brain-based Teaching and Learning

Speaker: Prof. Ranga Krishnan (Dean of Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore)

Date: 22 & 23 May 2015 (Friday & Saturday)

Time: 9:30am - 11:30am

Venue: 7/F, Library Complex, HKSYU

Language: English


1) Free Admission
2) We recommend registration in advance for seat-reservation and news update.


The key to learning is not just access to content but to facilitate its integration into learning. Duke-NUS adopted a stratified 3 step approach. The first is after students use the material to learn at home, they come in to class and are tested to see how much they learnt. Then they go into groups of 8 and teach each other and retake the test. Finally they work in the same small groups to assess if they can apply what they learn to solve difficult issues that are not easily solved. These steps engage and lead to application and development of the knowledge.


Thus the term LEAD – learn, engage, apply and develop. In the first several years the method seems effective in that students achieve in 1 year performance comparable to US medical schools achieve in 2 years. The method has now been adapted and used In North Carolina in both medicine and in undergraduate studies and here in Singapore; it is being implemented at Christchurch Secondary School and planned for use in others schools.


In this workshop, Prof Krishnan will transfer the knowledge of the methodology adopted in Duke-NUS, and share his experience on teaching and learning. He will base on a short course or curriculum as a case study to see how to change an existing format to a format based on learning principles.

Contact Information

Should you have any enquiries, Please feel free to contact: irpids@hksyu.edu